Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Guy Fawkes day.

            Saturday it was Guy Fawkes day. Guy Fawkes was a Englishman who tried to blow up parliament. We burned a big effigy of him in a humungous bonfire. Then we set of fireworks in a cardboard house of parliament, (it caught on fire). 
           We played 4 games, They were: Family where we made up fake names for ourselves and talked in funny voices, Damsels In Distress where the girls climbed out the bathroom window, Escape From The Castle where we ALL climbed out the bathroom window, and Hide From The Cops where we all climbed back in the bathroom window.

1 comment:

  1. that was a REALLY fun night!!!
    I'm hoping that we can do it again this year.
    the games we played were awesome, but I think we broke the bathroom window... LOL
    I love this blog, here's the web address for mine www.maiapapaya.com it's not a school blog, more of an online journal type thing.
    Well, see you tomorrow? (skiing)

